Min-Sheng Yang, chairman of the MissionCare Health Care System, was awarded the "2008 Human Resource Development Innovation Award" by the Executive Yuan Council of Labor Affairs।
The "HRD Innovation Award" is the first national level award in the field of human innovation, but it is also the industry's highest honor। In order to participate in the program, businesses need to establish a complete system of human capital development। Chairman Yang believes that nurturing talented employees from low level staff to executives will foster human capital innovation and cultivate high quality talent and sustainable growth।
The "HRD Innovation Award" is the first national level award in the field of human innovation, but it is also the industry's highest honor। In order to participate in the program, businesses need to establish a complete system of human capital development। Chairman Yang believes that nurturing talented employees from low level staff to executives will foster human capital innovation and cultivate high quality talent and sustainable growth।
"Human Resource Innovation" is the development of sustainable industry and it cannot be replaced। This award has become the model for the industry। It includes, for example, the establishment of performance evaluation and an employee incentive system to encourage innovation and participation in the quality control circle. Additionally, it includes a system that promotes learning passport and the establishment of the Min-Sheng College EMBA program. Finally, it will promote education at National Taiwan University to build Taiwan's first medical organization in charge of elite education.
As part of his project to cultivate talent, Chairman Yang hopes to build a staff education center – The Min-Sheng Da-Xi Health Academy। In addition to providing professional staff training and career planning, the Academy's location inside of the Da-Xi Healh Park will afford busy students a place to relax।
Chairman Yang also pointed out that human resource innovation and development is a trend of the 21st century knowledge based economy that will enhance international competitiveness and continue to uphold the achievement of sustainable human development, sustainable human innovation, and investment in human capital।
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